title VI Grant

Enrollment in the Native American/Alaska Native Title VI program is not automatic at the time of school enrollment. A 506 Form and tribal citizenship card documentation of the student must be on file in the OCSD Administration office in order for a student to be enrolled in the Title VI program.  Federal funds allotted to our district are based on the number of enrolled Native American/Alaska Native students in the Title VI program.  Approximately 287 OCSD pre-K – Grade 12 students of documented Native American/Alaska Native ancestry are currently enrolled.  

Title VI Indian Education supports American Indian and Alaska Native students to meet and exceed state academic and cultural standards. Upon enrollment, your child may be eligible to participate in various (K-12) programs including: 

• Cultural Enrichment 

• Cultural Connection Activities 

• Career and post-secondary training and exploration 

• Native Advisory Committee (parents too)

Enrollment Requirements

Student must:

  • be enrolled in an OCSD school or contracted program

  • meet federal eligibility requirements (student, parent, or grandparent enrolled in a state or federally recognized Tribe/Band/Nation)

Parent/Guardian must:

  • Complete ALL of the 506 Form by March 5th and return the signed original to your child’s school office. Be sure to include an enrollment number or a copy of documentation (CIB, village or tribal ID, etc.). The address of the ‘Organization maintaining membership’ is needed. 

  • Email the signed 506 Form to OCSD’s Title VI Grant Point of Contact Diana Grindea diana.grindea@orecity.k12.or.us by March 5th

  1. The 506 form is needed for student eligibility and to generate funding for the Title VI Indian Education program. However, enrollment in the program does not obligate a student to participate.

    Perhaps your family does not have documentation or declines eligibility for Title VI Indian Education services, please: 

    • Write ‘No documentation’ or ‘Decline’ on the form, along with your student’s name and date of birth. Then return the hard copy to your school office by March 5th

    • Email the declined 506 form to OCSD’s Title VI Grant Point of Contact Diana Grindea diana.grindea@orecity.k12.or.us by March 5th

  2. If you change your mind or acquire documentation please contact the Title VI Indian Education office at 971-208-0270 (CALL/TEXT) to receive additional information.